1. I keep getting an error message when I'm downloading the app. How do I fix this?

There are a number of reasons why MAPP Africa may not be installing on your device. Here are a number of solutions:

  • Ensure that your device has been updated with the latest operating system. 
  • Try downloading MAPP Africa from your App/Play store or from our Download page.

2. I would like to collaborate with MAPP Africa, how can we work together?

We're glad you asked, we are always looking to connect and partner with individuals promoting a positive image of Africa. Fill out the form below and let us know your idea.

3. How can I get featured on your website and app?

We're always looking for new talent and innovative individuals to feature! Visit our Collaborate page and submit your information.

4. I'm organizing an event, can MAPP Africa be there?

Thanks for the invite! Please tell us about your event in the form below and we'll let you know if we can make it. Be sure to include the link to your website.

5. How can I add my music video to your app?

Please fill the form below and we'll be in touch shortly with requirements.

Stay connected